Dota and Girlfriend :)

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Question and Answer Portion

Q: Any specific heroes you love playing? 
A: To be honest I don't normally play just one or two heroes. I like to use them all. I have a long list of favorites, so I'll only mention the ones I can actually play well with. Panda, Beastmaster, Batrider, VS, Tinker and surprisingly Necrolyte are usually the ones I do best with. 

Q: What do you love most about DotA?
A: There are so many things I love about it, but what I love most is the team aspect of the game. It almost reminds me of actual sports because of the different roles the different players can play during one game, and the fact that one player will never ever win a game by himself. DotA is the epitome of a 'team game', which is why I never get tired of playing it. 

Q: You're so cool, any other cool personalities in the DotA scene you like?
A: I'm really not too knowledgeable about all the people in the DotA community who are really well known. I only know a couple of big names really. I was a huge Madmortigan fan when he was casting a lot, and I'm also a big Tobi_wan_kenobi fan too. Tobi especially because of all the work he puts into the community. All the guys at are pretty awesome too.

Q: China or Europe?
A: Don't you try and bait me into a flame war you troll! Both are great, and I'd love to see the NA scene develop and put some pressure on the boys across the pond. 

Q: Speaking of the NA scene, how much do you know about it?
A: Not as much as I'd like too. Consider this site an open invitation to any good NA teams who want a little publicity. I'd be happy to do interviews or publicize big matches. 

Q: Would you ever consider casting one day?
A: I don't know how great of a caster I'd be, but I'd certainly love to try co-casting one day. 

Q: How can the DotA community improve in your eyes?
A: Well, there is a lot of negativity in the DotA scene. The people who truly love the game are the ones who are helpful and work towards making it a better community, not the people who flame threads and shit talk in pubs. If I get asked if I'm mad one more time I might lose it.

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